What Is Divorce Coaching?

Divorce coaching is a support system to help navigate the unknowns of an imminent separation, providing guidance in the practical elements such as finances and court appearances as well as the emotional struggles you might face like guilt, stress and depression.

Divorce coaching can help whether you are contemplating getting a divorce, are in the middle of a divorce or dealing with the aftermath of a divorce.

When we get married, we assume it is going to be everlasting. It does not occur to us that we might one day get divorced. We build our identity around our partner, especially if we have been in the marriage for a long time. When the relationship breaks down, this identity breaks down. It can be incredibly difficult to cope with the emotions, to deal with the pain, the shame, and the sudden stress of being all alone. If you’re like me, you may have kids, which makes the divorce even more painful and difficult, trying to juggle your emotions and also make sure your kids’ life is as stable as it can be given the circumstances. It’s tough, you have to be strong and put on a brave face even though internally you feel exactly the opposite, like your world is crumbling around you.

How Can It Help You?

That’s where divorce coaching can help. Divorce coaching is geared to help you process where you are now, and provide you with the support to work through the emotional, financial and legal aspects of divorce. With the support of a divorce coach, you can overcome the feelings of guilt, fear and pain and take back control of your life.

The level of coaching you need will be individual to you and the best way to figure this out is to book a free consultation with me. You may only need to tackle one or two minor issues or you could need a longer process and more in-depth coaching, working on more complicated, deep-rooted challenges.

Divorce coaching with me is about moving forward from where you are today towards recovery and an exciting, brighter future. Please note that divorce coaching is neither legal advice nor counselling.

Divorce coaching will support you in rediscovering what’s important to you and guide you through the next steps to create a new, radiant and fulfilling life while boosting your self-confidence.

"Today, I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through, and start a new chapter in my life."

What Divorce Coaching With Me Will Help You Get Through

Fall In Love With Yourself Again!

  • Dealing with the emotional side of divorce
  • Understanding when to end a relationship
  • Managing family, in-laws and ex-partner relationships
  • How to handle co-parenting
  • Helping you manage the financial and legal side of divorce
  • Helping you build your confidence back up and get back into dating
  • Finding yourself, your identity and helping you to gain clarity in your life

Divorce brings major change in your life. It can feel like an impossible hurdle to overcome. Working together with me and using different techniques, we will set small achievable steps which will build your confidence and give you clarity.

I bring my own unique set of tools to the table including cultural sensibilities, my accounting experience and coaching techniques. One to one sessions with me include:

  • Financial Support
  • Creating an Action Plan
  • Childcare structure
  • Emotional support to move forward
  • Techniques for dealing with the emotional stress of separation
  • Guidance in rebuilding a new life as a single person

Everyone deals with divorce in a unique way, so you may need an hour of coaching to work through the practical sides of divorce, or you may need a more long term approach to give you consistent support through a transformational time in your life. Either way, I can make the challenges of divorce a lot easier for you.
Reach out and let me help you….

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